The spiral is a spiritualized circle.  In the spiral form, the circle, uncoiled, has ceased to be vicious; it has been set free.

― Vladimir Nabokov

 spiral blur

The design of the swirl pattern is based on the symbolism of the spiral pattern.  This swirl pattern has long been used as the representation of constants,  movement and change.  On a personal level, it can represent the internal growth of a person throughout life, and the gain of new perspectives.

A person is constantly changing; spiraling down life’s many roads.  It has also been used to describe the movement of the universe, and archaeologists think this was its original meaning.  Ancients Celts used it to map the progress of the stars during an eclipse.  We find it remains constant in our modern lives as well, perhaps a hold over of ancient memories used to remind us of our need to adapt constantly and not remain stagnant.

I think ancient Celtic artists used the spiral symbol as a mind-altering creative process in which the act of creating a spiral in their work released their minds into a creative splendor.  Perhaps that’s why we see them dominate the Celtic world, out of a strong desire to step outside the physical and enter a gossamer domain, where dreams and intuition take hold of awareness.


Swirl Drop Spindle Collage

7 Yaks Design drop spindles are cut acrylic and oak.  It’s as much fun to watch the spindle as it is to create yarn… and it spins like a dream!